Sunday, September 22, 2013


Everyday we have to take decisions - from the bread we're going to have for breakfast to complex or critical decisions with serious consequences on the decision maker and others. It would be nice if we could count on a step-by-step approach to help us with the decision. I prepared a "Decision Making Steps" list to help me out with decisions in the future.

Recently I I had to make a critical decision on my cat's life. Afterwards, I felt bad about my decision. I was not certain whether it was the right one, although I had relied on a professional Vet for guidance.

The decision took a hard toll on me and my wife. Reviewing the facts and events I felt that my decision could eventually be different, if I was made aware of the several aspects and items that I was not familiar with at that time.

My disappointment led me to review the situation and learn on my feelings, emotions and those things that interfered with or influenced to my decision. As a conclusion, I prepared a list of factors to consider before taking any decision. To be effective, one must study this list everyday until it become a second nature such way when facing a new situation that requires decision, specially a critical one, one can act and react properly instead to be at the mercy of others or be engulfed by the situation. I printed my DECISION MAKING list, put one copy on my desk, another in in my car, and a business card size in my pocket wallet to read and consult whenever I need. Here are the steps.

Comments are welcome


The firstly we should rank the decision as: light, medium, serious or critical.
      Light and medium – correction is possible
      Serious – correction is possible but losses or damages are expected
      Critical – irreversible

1. Don’t listen to layman to make decisions
2. Don’t listen to professionals you don’t have references or know past results
3. Don’t listen to anyone you don’t feel comfortable with
4. Always seek for 2nd or even 3rd opinion before critical decisions
5. Don’t wait too long when a critical decision is required
6. Check, recheck anything prescribed until it’s 100% clear before use it
7. When something seems to be “wrong” don’t postpone or delay investigation
8. Don’t allow financial conditions to interfere with decisions.
 9. Always look for other solutions
10. Cancel any appointment or task not pertinent to the decision
11. Always check pros and cons for each possible solution
12. If you don’t agree, cannot agree right there, or have doubts on the solution presented, or the presenter of the solution, stop, take time, or get out immediately to avoid pressure or contamination of decision making process
13. Be aware of professionals who try to blame you for things you haven’t done or done wrong. Don’t look for acceptance but for solutions
14. Don’t take major decisions under stress or pressure of any kind
15. Don’t take decision only to compensate or replace prior wrong decisions
16. When you don’t know something that may weigh or contribute to the decision, search and ask for answers until 100% satisfied
17. Don’t accept dubious answers as “maybe, possibly, can be because of this or that”, without a clear line of action to resolve. Make this clear to participants or contributors to the decision
18. Don’t assume anything or speculate when factors are unknown

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